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Love the graphics and the soundtrack! Took me a good five minutes to figure out the controls, though. Didn't realize I had to aim with the mouse until I accidentally moved it. Unfortunately, the game was really choppy for me and I could not proceed past the first laser beams. Kept dying no matter how I timed it...

I think with some tighter controls, this could be really fun! It might have been my computer which made it choppy, since I'm on a Mac using Parallels to run this on Windows, but you might want to check with other PC users.

I'm glad you like the game, and thank you for the feedback. Out of curiosity, did you use the 'boost' button to try and get past the lazers (LShift / Right Mouse)?


Tried it again using Bootcamp instead of Parallels and it runs a lot smoother now! That was definitely my problem. The controls are still tough for me to get a hold of, but I'm not really used to these kinds of games anyway...

Finally got past the first set of lasers! I did use boost, but it didn't seem to go much faster so the timing window still seemed very short. Much more enjoyable this second time around! My only complaints are that the enemy firing sound effect is too loud and the music stopped after I died instead of starting over or continuing.

Really dig the graphics, as previously mentioned, and that Game Over effect was really cool, too.

Thanks for playing and letting me know about the enemy SFX (sound design isn't my strong suit). The music stopping is actually scripted, (game's k̵inda hau̶̦͒n̷̯̒ṯ̸́ed, and gets more messed up the further you go)̶̱͆, but perhaps I should add an ambient track instead of removing the music completely. And I think I have a few ideas now for making the lasers easier to get past. Thanks again for the feedback! :)